Hello! My name is Noon. I’m a running and tennis fanatic, a voracious reader, an amateur baker, an environmental advocate, and a proud cat mom to two mischievous tabbies. Oh, and I work at On, where I get to nerd out all day with consumers and partners about the brand’s products—a dream job for a sports enthusiast like me.
I come from an athletic family. My grandfather, with his towering six-foot frame, played elite tennis. My brother runs a sub-3 marathon and my father is a multisport athlete, especially passionate about Muay Thai, though he now spends 80% of his free time on the pickleball courts. My mother swam competitively in high school and has been running marathons since I was a toddler. Fittingly, my parents met on the badminton courts of their country club in Bangkok.
One of my earliest memories of sports is captured in a photo: me, in Beverly Hills at a family friend’s tennis court, sporting a thick bowl cut, an oversized dress, and gripping my father’s tennis racquet—so big it stretched from my shoulders to the ground. I’m smiling, ready to take my first big swing, as my shadow from the sunrise stretches behind me.
My parents introduced me to nearly every sport imaginable. Soccer? I spent more time running away from the ball or scoring in the wrong goal. Baseball? A non-starter—I wasn’t the fastest sprinter. Taekwondo lasted five years until our studio shut down. Basketball? Turns out, I was too short. Ballet? I hung up my tutu at ten. Eventually, I found my place in tennis and swimming in high school. Today, my free time is filled with running, kickboxing, and cycling on the Peloton—sports remain at the core of who I am.
As much as I love my work, my passion for sports is boundless, and I needed another outlet to share it. Enter my blog: Run with Noonnytunes. This platform is my space to dive deeper into my field of passion, educating and inspiring athletes of all levels. I aim to explore topics such as the history of sports production and marketing, the cultural diversity within each sport, and the impact of mental health in competitive athletics. I hope this blog sparks insight, inspiration, and community among fellow sports enthusiasts.
Happy reading!
Oh! And here are some other places I’ve been featured in:
Nyrr’s feature on me for the 2022 United Airlines New York City Half Marathon
Christina Yuna Lee’s Honorary Run that I participated in